Thonga Ocean Sightings
Posted in:Experiences
Posted on:March 10, 2015
“We’ve had some fantastic sightings this month during our Ocean Experience outings from Thonga Beach Lodge – 2 Ghost Pipe Fish on Slinger, a Manta Ray on Gogo’s Reef, 12 Devil Rays on Three Sisters’ Reef, as well as 3 Manta Rays feeding around the boat on the surface during this dive. The water temperature went from a mild 27 degrees from the beginning of the month to a rather chilly 19 degrees! With a North / North Easterly wind keeping the sun in the sky, but water conditions changing meant we saw amazing sightings of Devil Rays and Mantas feeding on all the plankton brought in by these conditions. We also had a lovely sighting of a very big school of Spinner Dolphins close to the shore line as the perfect start to an ocean experience.”
By Barbara Du Plessis
Operations Manager at Thonga Beach Lodge

You never know what the ocean will offer on any given day